Thursday, 7 October 2010

The Day Everyone Is Well Pissed Off

So, a few years ago, a scientist type published a report which he said named the most depressing day of the year. I can't remember all the details, but I think it was something like the second or third Monday in January, because of people having lots of debts from Christmas still, the Christmas break being over, the weather being cold and miserable, the fact that it was a Monday, things like that. As with all statistics, he claimed, the result wouldn't necessarily be true individually - if, say, your hamster was to die on the fourth Wednesday of June, you're more likely to be depressed then - but globally, you can see where he's coming from.  It's not the most cheerful time of the year. The man has a point, you could say.

I don't know if similar research has been conducted on other days of the year - the happiest day, or the most stressful - but I would like to make a nomination for the angriest day: today. On 7th October, according to BBC History:  
  • in 1571, the so called 'Holy League' of the Papal States, Spain and Venice (doesn't it sound like a football league or something?) socked it to the Ottoman navy (the Ottoman Empire was a huge Turkish Empire, which ruled from 1299-1922, which most likely means that they were total tyrannic bastards very good at controlling their subjects, and naturally had their best interests at heart...) at the Battle of Lepanto;
  • in 1944, there was a revolt at the Aushwitz prison, where the inmates killed several of the SS Guards and destroyed a creamatorium;
  • in 2001, George Bush's government officially launched their 'Operation Enduring Freedom' a.k.a the 'War on Trrrrr' against the Taliban and al-Qaeda. 
According to Wikipedia, on this day, there were battles and/or wars being fought in 1513, 1777, 1780, 1800, 1828, 1864, 1870, 1879, 1940, 1942, 1958 and 1991. Now, obviously as a History student, I am aware that a lot of History, rightly or wrongly, is decided by fighting. But this is an awful lot of warfare to occur on one day alone, and therefore I believe that some geeky maths type could come up with an equation based on probability logarithms (or whatever the hell it is that statisticians use...) to prove that today is the angriest day of the year. 
To finish, as an antidote to all this anger and misery, I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that, on this day in 1916, the most lopsided college football game ever took place in America, when Cumberland College played Georgia Tech. The Georgian's were victorious, winning 222-0. No, really:

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